Who We Are
This group exists to provide support, formation in the interior life, and a life of shared joy for young women who are discerning a vocation to the religious life. We meet for prayer, formation, and fellowship. Those who choose to "walk with" the group intentionally for a period of discernment gain the opportunity for one on one spiritual direction, small groups, and the gift of a committed life.

A living space at Christ the King Parish has opened as a house of prayer and formation for young women. CLICK HERE to learn more and apply!
"Blessed is she who believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled."
Mary received a profound calling from God and despite its dramatic magnitude, she said yes. From that point forward, she went forth to bring Christ to the world.
As women of prayer, we too listen for the voice of God speaking in our hearts, and from that place of contemplation, become apostles of the Good News of his love that he has manifested to each of us.